The Ice Feather logo carries profound meaning, representing the revered Raven, or “Yéil” in the Tlingit language. This iconic figure symbolizes creation, knowledge, prestige, and light, making it a central element in the traditions and beliefs of Alaskan Native communities.
Raven, often regarded as a “creator” and hero, plays a pivotal role in Alaskan Native mythology. Known for its transformative powers and sharp intellect, Raven is deeply respected and admired. As a force of creation, Raven is credited with shaping the world and imparting essential knowledge and skills to humanity.
The logo powerfully reflects our Tribe’s strong connection to the ice. Raven’s presence in the emblem honors our deep respect for nature, our commitment to preserving cultural heritage, and our dedication to the transformation that knowledge and enlightenment bring.
In this design, Raven embodies the enduring
spirit of our skating Tribe. Its ability to navigate between realms—bridging the physical and spiritual worlds—mirrors our Tribe’s resilience in the face of adversity and our capacity to transform challenges into growth. It serves as a reminder that we are not only protectors of our traditions but also active agents of positive transformation and progress.